Saturday, October 31, 2009

Saturday and what Rachel Hetzel did:

Today while the rest of the team went to work with disabled children a few of us stayed behind to pray for the trip. This time of waiting for the wheelchairs has really brought us to our knees in prayer. It is funny how if everything had gone as we had planned, prayer, while important, would have been a secondary thought. But during this time of waiting it has become essential. Sometimes it takes a disruption of your plans to really turn your eyes to God and go from there. It was a great time of laying our burdens at the feet of the cross and strengthening and renewing our faith in God. It was also a great time to see each others hearts. Prayer is such an awesome gift! But one that so often I take for granted.

We were also able to take a couple hours to prepare the bags and gifts we brought for the wheelchair recepients. It was so exciting to pack the bags and think about the people we would be able to share it with. We have been so blessed by being there, I hope that we will be able to bless them in return.

Meanwhile, Craig and the team helped take some disabled children on a field trip. For many of the men, who are normally mechanics, this was far outside their comfort zone. They came expecting for God to use them in the same way He has before but God had other ideas. In this time of stretching and disrupted plans, God is really having to fill in the gaps. And he is faithful to do so!

Rachel Hetzel is the best person I have ever worked with. It is hard to find someone as talented as her in so many ways. She has the looks of Catherine Zeta Jones, the brains of Madeline Albright and the tenacity of Angelina Jolie.

What Craig did:

Rachel wrote the above.....which tells you what a blast it is to be here with her. I went with the group to the disabilities center. As Rachel was a first for me and out of my comfort zone. To help with the center, we accompanied the staff and their charges to a fun park. We arrived in a bus and joined by the staff and kids. I was rather picked by a boy about 8 who sat next to me as he came down the isle. I knew right away we were a good match when he unzipped his backpack, pulled out a bottle of hand cleanser and cleaned his hands. He was, as the staff told me, a talker. He knew some English words but for the most part he talked and I signed. We got along well and held hands whenever we walked. He didn't want to go on most of the rides but l was able to convince him to go on the wheeler dealer bumper cars with me and had a ball. I'm so glad I went. What an experience. The staff of the center are amazing with big loving hearts for this ministry. I could see Gods works and His will up close and personal today and everyday I am here.

All for now. Church tomorrow at an evangelical church just a few blocks from here.


  1. wow, i would have loved to see his hand sanitizer come out and you holding his hand everywhere you went. miss you my friend! Annie

  2. Yeah!!!! Now that I know I can post I'll write a message. I had to laugh at the line regarding hand sanitizer. See, it would have been a box of chocolate that would have made us instant buds. What a wonderful experience for both of you. I'm so glad you were able to share the joy of the bumper cars. That would be especially fun with you at the wheel. Thanks so much for sharing the journey with us. Miss you! Christina

  3. Craig! I absolutely love reading your blog and thinking of you all over there. I'm praying for the chairs! And that your spirits will remain up while you wait. Sounds like you've had some great opportunities. Give yourself a huge hug from me, and then give everyone else a huge hug, too! I can't belive that kid had hand sanitizer!! I love it!! Know that you are all kept in my thoughts and are close to my heart!!

  4. Craig, it is amazing to see the wonders that God has in store for you and all of the people whose lives you are touching. We continue to pray for you!
    Paul and Jane

  5. Hi Craig!

    It sounds like God is using you & the group in a special way. Although I'm sure it's frustrating that the wheelchairs haven't been released, it appears that God has made other plans for you & the group.

    As I said before, if you make a difference in the life of only one person while you are there, it matters to God. Sometimes the most important thing we can do for others is to "hold space" for them & be in the moment with them. This is something that my state licensing mentor has been talking about & teaching me from the start. We don't always have to be actively doing something for others. Sometimes just being there & giving them our undivided attention is the best thing that we can do for them.

    I'm sure that some of these disabled children don't always get the undivided attention of their parents or caregivers. By spending time with just one child, you are giving that child a special gift. Just by being there, you are showing them God's love through you! I'm sure it's an experience that child won't ever forget.

    Even though you & the group aren't doing exactly what you had planned to do, it seems like you are all making a difference there. Maybe this is what needs to happen to pave the way for future trips to Egypt. You're blazing the trail.

    We miss you & we love you! I'm praying for you & the team.

    Emily :o)
